The Personal Ministries of the Voorburg Seventh-day Adventist® Church exists to provide resources and training to church and community members alike in personal evangelism, discipleship, giving Bible studies, and other types of outreach ministries. It is our mission to enlist every member (Total Member Involvement) in active soul-winning activities to advance the final proclamation of the gospel of salvation through Jesus Christ. We believe it is through personal effort, fellowship, and deep study that people longing for hope amidst calamities, despair, and uncertainties can find peace and comfort by becoming intimately acquainted with a loving God.
Numerous resources and publications exist through our church to educate and nurture the spiritual growth of all who are interested in learning more. Some of the resources and training we currently have available to empower individuals in Personal Ministries include:
- Bible study guides for personal use and/or sharing with others,
- Bible study interest cards,
- Sharing literature, such as books, magazines, pamphlets, and DVDs, on different topics
- Sabbath School Bible study classes for all age groups,
- Door-to-door ministry and literature distribution in the surrounding community of West Knoxville,
- Training in giving individual and small-group Bible studies,
- Bible studies to prepare baptismal candidates for baptism by immersion,
- Etc.
Bible studies are available in various formats, as listed below. You may choose the style with which you are most comfortable and that are the most convenient for you. Knowledgeable Bible teachers from our church are ready to answer any questions you may have along the way.
- Individual Bible studies in your home, at the church, or through online video chatting/conferencing software (e.g., Zoom);
- Small Bible study groups or classes;
- Etc.
If you are interested in giving or receiving Bible studies or participating in other community outreach and personal evangelism activities, please use the message form on the Contact Us page. And, of course, you are always welcome to visit us at the church during open hours to discuss your ministry interest.