Connecting for a Christ-like purpose
Are you looking for inspiration? God has promised each of us so much. Here you will find a range of resources to equip you for the challenges faced by today’s women and men, plus information on initiatives and upcoming events.
A ministry for women
We want to encourage women both inside and outside of Voorburg International SDA to build a strong relationship with Christ and each other through fellowships, Bible studies, outreach programmes, support groups and service projects.
Connecting Points for Women
Throughout the year we provide a variety of activities that will help you develop deeper relationships with Jesus Christ and other women – keep an eye out for them by visiting our events page:
Seminars: A chance for women to reflect, worship, and develop ministry gifts along with encouragement on issues that women commonly face.

A ministry for every man
God is looking for a few good men who are willing to live for something greater than their own pleasure, prominence, or gain. A Christian man needs to surround himself with trusted friends who will be honest, transparent, and confidential as weaknesses and burdens are shared.
Connecting points for men
We organise a range of outreach events throughout the year. These include:
- Sports fellowship
- Men’s prayer sessiom
Keep a lookout for when any of the above activities/programmes next take place by visiting our events page.
Our Aim
We are here to encourage you as we strive to become what God wants us to be.
For the single man and youth, we will seek to create an environment that is conducive to building character and setting goals, and for true recreation.
For the married man, your wife will be the greatest beneficiary as you put God at the centre of your relationship.
For the father, you will be good role model to your children, helping them to grow and develop into the image of God.