Ways to Give
There are many ways to support the work of the Voorburg International SDA Church through giving. Your giving is making a difference in this church, our community, and the world.
Donations and Offerings
We give offerings because they are love gifts in addition to tithes, expressing our gratitude for what Christ has provided. Tithes are set by God but offerings are set by the believer. These gifts support a specific ministry/cause within our church, and world mission projects.
Tithing is a biblical principle. God calls us to give the first 10% of our income back to Him. We give our tithe because we are in a relationship with Jesus Christ. It is holy, belonging to God. It is returned to Him through the church (Malachi 3:6-18). Tithes support those in ministry for Christ in our region (1 Corinthians 9:13, 14) and the worldwide mission of the church. (Matthew 24:13, 28:19 and Revelation 14:6)
How can I return tithe and give offerings?
Use the following details:
Account name: Voorburg International SDA Church
IBAN: NL63 ABNA 0596752059
Bank Name – ABN AMRO
Use the following details:
Account name: Voorburg International SDA Church
IBAN: NL22 ABNA 0574141030
Bank Name – ABN AMRO
Reference: Please include a note to advise what purpose (eg. donation, specific offering) the money is for.
Faithful stewardship is a small undertaking, yet demonstrates powerful evidence that we acknowledge God’s sovereignty. By returning Tithes and giving Offerings we declare God’s Lordship over our lives and further the proclamation of His gospel. So also we support and grow His church.