Welcome to Voorburg International SDA Church
We think it’s great that you want to find out more about our church. The information in this section is dedicated to filling you in on what we do, and how you can become part of our church family. If you’re wondering what to expect during our Sabbath (Saturday) service, the steps below will also help you plan your trip when you choose to visit us.
Plan your visit
What to wear
Many members choose to dress smartly (ranging from smart casual to business/occasion wear) to distinguish the Sabbath worship from the rest of the week, but we believe coming to God with a willing mind and a sincere heart is most important. Come just as you are. We look forward to seeing you, not what you’re wearing.
Service times
During the morning service we separate into small groups for Sabbath School classes at 10:00am, after which we come together for the main worship service at 11:15am. Service times may be slightly different on occasions.
Worship service
The main focus of our worship is to glorify God. Around 100 people attend each Sabbath, and our congregation spans a diverse range of ages and backgrounds. Our service includes a combination of singing, studying the Bible and prayer, enabling you to connect with God in different ways. Deacons can also help you find a seat. Near the beginning, you will be encouraged to greet the people sitting around you, but no one will single you out as a visitor. Also, we don’t expect our visitors to give. So feel free to let the offering plate pass by when it comes down your row. The lyrics of the songs we sing throughout the service are projected on a screen in the Sanctuary where worship takes place.
To get a taste of a Sabbath morning worship service, visit the Sermons library on Youtube to watch a sermon.
Children and youth
Worship includes children, youth and young adults. Every main service has a children’s story and each child is welcome. We have a children’s, teens’ and young adult’s Sabbath School. We also have a Cradle Roll and Kindergarten class for newborns up to age 4. Parents are encouraged to join in and help their little ones to participate. If you have a little one who you would like to encourage to learn more about Jesus and his love for us, our Children’s Ministry and Youth Ministry programmes are just the thing for you!
On some special days we provide lunch and we encourage guests to stay. This is a great way to quickly get familiar with our church family and get answers to any questions you may have in a less formal setting.
After you visit
- We would love to see you again so please do come back again. You can find out about upcoming events and activities, or join us for our regular Sabbath programme.
- Keep reading your Bible so you can learn more about who God is and why he sent His Son to die for our sins. Check out the resources available that’ll help you get started.
- Talk to God whenever you can. He loves you and wants to have a relationship with you, so invite Him into your life.
Get to know us better
Maybe you know a Seventh-day Adventist. Then again, maybe you’ve never personally known any Adventists, but you’ve wondered perhaps, why they go to church on Saturday—a different day than most Christians do. Why do they feel that what they eat and wear is so important? Why do they avoid certain forms of entertainment?
If you’ve ever wondered who Seventh-day Adventists are and what they believe, we’d like to introduce ourselves. This section will hopefully answer any questions you may have about what it means to be a Seventh-day Adventist, and why we do the things we do. We would like you to know us better. And we would also like to get to know you better. So in the next few sections LET’S GET ACQUAINTED!
Let’s begin by asking the obvious question—
Who are Seventh-day Adventists?
We are—
A rapidly growing worldwide fellowship of over thirteen million that is adding new members at a rate approaching 2,000 each day. | |
Christians who love Jesus Christ and strive to make Him the centre of all we believe and do. | |
A church that is eager to share the truth about what God is really like—as seen in the life, character, and death of Jesus Christ. | |
Evangelical Protestants who accept the Bible as our authority for what to believe and how to live. | |
A Christian fellowship committed to sharing with others certain Bible truths that over the centuries have been largely lost sight of—or that have become mixed with errors. | |
A community of Christians deeply interested in health—health of mind, body, and spirit. | |
How did Seventh-day Adventism begin?We thought you might like to know a little bit about how the Seventh-day Adventist Church originally started. Although we did not officially organise a church—a denomination with the name ‘Seventh-day Adventist‘ — until 1863, the roots of the SDA faith go back to the early 1800s. After the Great Disappointment of 22 October 1844, the date many theologians had determined would be the Second Coming based on prophecies in the Bible, a lot of people lost their faith. However, a group of Christians came together to re-study the Bible, and found that the date represented the start of Jesus’ special ministry in heaven, not his return to earth. They also focused on reclaiming Bible principles that had been dismissed or misinterpreted. One of the main reasons our church has expanded over the years is because of its practical application of religious teachings, such as the health message, as well as through our outreach programmes by starting groups such as the Adventist Disaster and Relief Agency (ADRA). We’ve also been able to spread God’s word through books and magazines explaining Bible teachings, and by faith and hard work we’ve grown into a vibrant international church family of over 19 million members. What do Seventh-day Adventists believe?We believe both our worship and the way we live our lives should be based on our knowledge of God’s love for us, as shown in His Bible and our relationship with Him. That is why we think it’s important to always study God’s word, and be open to the wisdom He has placed in the Bible that is still being revealed today. We also believe in following Jesus’ example of showing and telling people about God’s love, and the amazing plans He has for them. To find out more about what our religion is based on visit Our Beliefs page. What Seventh-day Adventists DON’T believeWe also want to clarify a few things you may have heard about Seventh-day Adventists that are actually misinterpretations of what we believe.
Frequently Asked Questions
When are your service times?
Our Sabbath School commences at 09:45 a.m. on Saturday mornings followed by the main worship service (Family Worship) at 11:15 a.m. Prayer meetings take place every Wednesday at 7:30 p.m via zoom online.
Where do I park?
The church has ample free parking in the surrounding roads.
How do I get there by public transport?
The church is located just 20 meters from the from Bruijnings Ingenhoeslaan tram/bus stop. The nearest bus stops are just 2 minutes walk away from the church.
Is there disabled access?
Yes. Our hall on the ground floor is easily accessed. We also have a wheel chair lift that provides access to the first floor Sanctuary where our main worship service takes place.
How many people does the sanctuary seat?
Our sanctuary seats nearly 120 people. If there are no seats left, the ushers will make some room for you.
When do you hold Communion?
We typically hold Communion every quarter. We welcome those who profess the Lord Jesus Christ as their personal Savior to receive Communion.
What else happens on Sabbath?
We have an afternoon Bible study programme most Sabbath (Saturdays) at 3:00pm. Everyone, regardless of age is welcome to attend the service.
What happens on other days?
Wednesdays: We also hold a midweek prayer meeting at 7:30pm.
Can I meet the Pastor?
After the morning service we encourage our visitors to stay behind to meet the church leaders and have some refreshments. Usually the Pastor and elders will try and attend these informal gatherings to greet newcomers to Voorburg SDA and answer any questions you may have. In the event of the Pastor being previously occupied, our church leaders and/or elders will be available to assist you. Contact us if you would like to book a session with him.
How can I learn more about Adventist beliefs?
We believe that the Bible is God’s word, given to us to help us have a better life on earth as well as a better relationship with him. All our principles for worship and living are therefore Bible-based, and you can find an in-depth breakdown of these on Our Beliefs page.

Who is Jesus?
Did God really come to Earth in the form of a man to save us?
Watch this video to learn about Jesus.
How to become a member of VISDAC
To become a member of a church is to formally commit oneself to an identifiable, local body of believers. Members join together to:
- Receive instruction from God’s word
- Serve and edify one another
- Participation in the church ordinances
- Proclaim the gospel to the world
Becoming a member here is easy. We ask you to do three things:
- Have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ
- Be baptized by immersion (if not already)
- Talk to the pastor/elder about your desire to join. We’ll be happy to facilitate your journey with you.